Best way to determine high-value SEO keyphrases

e-ink notebook with pen

Because I’m skilled at PR, communications, SEO, and generally how to come up with new story ideas, I get a fair amount of requests to discuss my process. The best way to determine high-value SEO keyphrases is the notebook method. … Continued

How To Keep Remote Workers Engaged

Illustration shows workers and text heading says "how to keep remote workers engaged"

Face to face interaction is the collaboration gold standard, which is why leaders are struggling in this new remote work era. They want concrete advice on how to keep remote workers engaged, not platitudes, and theory. How do we compensate … Continued

Pictionary Founder On Remote Work: We’re Doomed

illustration of two people struggling with a video conference call

“If the entire culture moves to remote, we’re doomed!” explained Robert Angel, creator of Pictionary when I asked him about remote work. Angel made his living off a tactile collaborative experience, and I believe his success holds a significant clue … Continued

Sonic Drive-Ins (Almost) Rejected A Billion-Dollar Idea

sonic drive-in restaurant

It’s a tale as old as time: Hard-working employee has an idea, employee gets chastised for not staying in their lane, employee becomes discouraged and buries their idea or quits finding independent success. This is how Sonic Drive-Ins almost lost … Continued

How NOT To Connect On LinkedIn

LinkedIn screen shot with angry faces

I get hit up often on LinkedIn. I have no idea if the rate at which I receive requests is normal, or if it’s related to my previously published work, but there is one guaranteed method that will ensure rejection … Continued

Why Your Startup Community Sucks

Pink panther plush toy positioned next to empty beer bottles

I remember when the startup community literally came to my home town of Des Moines. It was chock full of phony events, phony people, and phony startups. Only after speaking with Brad Feld of Foundry Group do I have a … Continued

Two questions to kill a stupid idea.

wadded up paper balls in trash

You’ve heard the phrase “there are no stupid ideas” and while I believe in the overall message, let’s face it: not all ideas are created equal. But how do you tell an employee no without angering team members or worse, … Continued

First-time entrepreneurs. Here’s how to get clients

woman in black coat walking near train

Understanding how to get clients is what every first-time entrepreneur wants to know. After over a decade of entrepreneurialism, I have a simple answer to that question. Show concrete results and take credit. Sounds simple? It is. So, why don’t … Continued

Failure Is Fuel… But What Does That Mean?

determined man with white words on photo saying failure is fuel

I recently updated my LinkedIn profile to clearly show the time of death for Test of Time Design, my first startup. I essentially hid the fact that I failed for years. I convinced myself it was just “a pivot” but … Continued

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